In the evolving landscape of data engineering and analytics, Azure Synapse Analytics stands out as a powerful tool for integrating big data and data warehousing. Implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in Synapse Analytics can significantly streamline your workflow, ensuring rapid and reliable delivery of analytics solutions. This guide walks you through the new CI/CD process in Synapse Analytics, which eliminates the need for manual publishing to create ARM templates. All the code and configurations used in this guide are available in my GitHub repository.

Before diving into the CI/CD setup for Synapse Analytics, ensure you have the following:
Azure DevOps Account: If you don’t have one, create an Azure DevOps account.
Azure Synapse Workspace: An existing Synapse workspace with some resources like pipelines, datasets, etc.
Git Repository: Your Synapse workspace linked to a Git repository (Azure Repos or GitHub).
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Link Azure Synapse Workspace to a Git Repository
To enable version control and CI/CD, link your Synapse workspace to a Git repository.
Navigate to your Synapse workspace in the Azure portal.
Select 'Manage' and then 'Git Configuration'.
Configure the Git settings by linking your Azure DevOps or GitHub repository.

2. Set Up CI/CD in Azure DevOps
a. Create a New Pipeline (CI):
Go to your Azure DevOps project.
Under Pipelines, select 'New Pipeline'.
Choose the repository that contains your Synapse Analytics project.
Split your repository elements like:
-> Synapse Analytics Workspace
-> Pipeline
b. Configure YAML Pipeline:
- main
vmImage: windows-latest
- name: artifactsFolder
value: './Synapse Analytics Workspace'
- name: serviceConnectionName
value: 'serviceConnectionName'
- name: targetWorkspaceName
value: 'targetWorkspaceName'
- name: resourceGroupName
value: 'resourceGroupName'
- name: publishLocation
value: 'main'
# This will increment by 1 each time this pipeline is run. I.e., the first run will be 0.0.0 and the second will be 0.0.1
# If versionNumber is updated to be 0.1, the counter will restart at 0
- name: versionNumber
value: '0.0'
- name: revisionNumber
value: $[counter(variables['versionNumber'],0)]
name: $(versionNumber).$(revisionNumber)
# See considerations in the blog post
# - group: 'Variable Group Name'
- stage: Validate
displayName: 'Validate and Publish Artifact'
- job: PublishArtifact
displayName: 'Publish Artifact'
- task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
displayName: 'Validate Synapse Workspace'
operation: 'validate'
ArtifactsFolder: $(artifactsFolder)
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
TargetWorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Copy Files to: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
Contents: |
flattenFolders: true
TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
- publish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact'
artifact: $(publishLocation)
- stage: Deploy
# See considerations in the blog post
# - group: 'Variable Group Name'
displayName: 'Publish to Dev Workspace'
- deployment: DeployToDev
displayName: 'Publish To Dev'
environment: Development
# See considerations in the blog post
#- template: 'Templates/publish-template.yml'
# parameters:
# ServiceConnection: $(ServiceConnectionTest)
# ResourceGroupName: $(Resource Group Name)
# WorkspaceName: $(Workspace Name)
# OverrideParameters: $(Override Parameters)
# ArtifactDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\$(publishLocation)'
# Environment: $(Environment)
- task: toggle-triggers-dev@2
displayName: 'Stop Triggers'
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
ResourceGroupName: $(resourceGroupName)
WorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
ToggleOn: false
Triggers: '*'
- task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
displayName: 'Publish Synapse Artifact (Dev)'
TemplateFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(publishLocation)/TemplateForWorkspace.json
ParametersFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(publishLocation)/TemplateParametersForWorkspace.json
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
ResourceGroupName: $(resourceGroupName)
TargetWorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true
- task: toggle-triggers-dev@2
displayName: 'Restart Triggers'
condition: always()
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
ResourceGroupName: $(resourceGroupName)
WorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
ToggleOn: false
Triggers: '*'
c. Create a New Pipeline (CD)
Repeat Step 2a
d. Configure YAML Pipeline:
- none
vmImage: windows-latest
- name: serviceConnectionName
value: 'serviceConnectionName'
- name: resourceGroupName
value: 'resourceGroupName'
- name: targetWorkspaceName
value: 'targetWorkspaceName'
- name: artifactLocation
value: 'artifactLocation' # Make sure this matches resourse pipeline name, and the name of the artifact you created in CI
- pipeline: artifactLocation
source: Synapse-Analytics-CI
# Emo this does not work. We work around it in Setup stage.
# name: $(Resources.Pipeline.artifactLocation.runName)
- stage: Setup
- job: Setup
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$(Resources.Pipeline.artifactLocation.runName)"
displayName: 'Set Pipeline Name to Build Number'
- stage: Deploy_Test
# See considerations in the blog post
# - group: 'Variable Group Name'
- deployment: PublishToTest
displayName: 'Publish To Test'
continueOnError: false
environment: Test
# See considerations in the blog post
#- template: 'Templates/publish-template.yml'
# parameters:
# ServiceConnection: $(ServiceConnectionTest)
# ResourceGroupName: $(Resource Group Name)
# WorkspaceName: $(Workspace Name)
# OverrideParameters: $(Override Parameters)
# ArtifactDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\$(artifactLocation)\$(artifactLocation)'
# Environment: $(Environment)
- task: toggle-triggers-dev@2
displayName: 'Disable All Pipeline Triggers'
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
ResourceGroupName: $(resourceGroupName)
WorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
ToggleOn: false
Triggers: '*'
- task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
displayName: 'Publish Synapse Artifact (Test)'
operation: 'deploy'
TemplateFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)\$(artifactLocation)\$(artifactLocation)\TemplateForWorkspace.json
ParametersFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)\$(artifactLocation)\$(artifactLocation)\TemplateParametersForWorkspace.json
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
ResourceGroupName: $(resourceGroupName)
TargetWorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true
DeployManagedPrivateEndpoints: true
Environment: 'prod'
- task: toggle-triggers-dev@2
displayName: 'Restart triggers'
condition: always()
azureSubscription: $(serviceConnectionName)
ResourceGroupName: $(resourceGroupName)
WorkspaceName: $(targetWorkspaceName)
ToggleOn: true
Triggers: '*'
Use ADO Environments
Azure DevOps Environments provide a way to manage deployments and monitor the release pipeline. By using environments, you can:
Isolate Deployments: Create separate environments for development, testing, and production to isolate different stages of your deployment pipeline.
Approval Gates: Implement approval gates to ensure deployments to critical environments (like production) are reviewed and approved by designated stakeholders.
Tracking and Auditing: Track deployment history and status for each environment, aiding in auditing and troubleshooting.
To set up environments, navigate to Azure DevOps, and under Pipelines, select Environments. Create new environments for each stage of your deployment pipeline and configure the necessary approvals and checks.
Use ADO Variable Groups
Apply Branch Policies on 'main'
Create YAML Templates to create Reusable Code
Implementing CI/CD for Synapse Analytics using Azure DevOps significantly enhances your data engineering workflow by automating deployments and ensuring consistency across environments. By following this guide, you eliminate the need for manual publishing, streamline the deployment process, and achieve a more efficient and reliable Synapse Analytics setup.
By implementing the steps outlined in this guide, you will be able to efficiently manage your Synapse Analytics deployments with a robust CI/CD pipeline, ensuring high-quality and rapid delivery of your data solutions.
As always, I welcome your comments and discussions! Share your thoughts, experiences, and any questions you might have in the comments below. Let's collaborate and make the most out of these CI/CD capabilities for Synapse Analytics!